Saturday, July 4, 2009

everday i say...

"God Bless the Entire World, the Moon, the Sun, all the other planets and also Pluto and the milky way and all other galaxies" but since it is the fourth of july and all today i say, "God Bless America (specifically North America, specifically the United States)". Soooooo. I am excited to spend the fourth in a small town where most fireworks/arms are legal. I have been hearing picallo(sp?) petes and bottle rockets going off for the past three days so my thought process is that today shitsgonnagetcrazy.

I will be posting pictures (l8r) of the days events: david visiting, main street festival, fireworks show down by the river (the riviera de sacramento as i like to call it), sun bathing in the backyard and being as american as possible. So right now I am going down to Burger King and buying as many chicken fries as they will allow and then heading over to sav mor (save more) for Budweiser. So, friends, this bud is for you and america. God bless us (americans), everyone.

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