Monday, May 11, 2009

You're my butterfly, sugar, baby.

I love butterfly anything. I love butterfly hair clips, butterfly jokes (pass the butter, please. have you ever seen butter fly?), butterfly tattoos, butterfly houses at the zoo, but most of all, I love the butterfly stroke. What you don't know how to do the butterfly stroke?!!! Well, I actually do and, with some help, I can teach you free of charge.

First, here is Phillip on the dolphin kick:

Second, here is Phillip (again) on the butterfly stroke jargon. He uses key phrases that you must at least learn, even if you never learn the stroke, you can still use the words, even if you don't even swim, and people will think you are an expert at the butterfly stroke. here it is:

alright more to come later...enough for today, dry yourself off, and go watch some tv.

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